As the nation mourns the loss of Shri Ratan Tata, an industrialist, visionary leader, and philanthropist, various Durga Puja associations across Navi Mumbai have come together...
The Lotus Lake of Navi Mumbai is on the brink of extinction. The Lake The calm Lotus Lake in Sector 27 of Seawoods, Nerul, which was...
During a press conference, former corporator Shree Vishal Dolas strongly claimed that the Urban Planning Department of the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC), CIDCO, and the...
From October 5th, Former Corporator Shree Vishal Dolas is going to start a hunger Strike against the NMMC in Navi Mumbai. The Strike The former Seawoods...
To highlight the importance of Nature & environment, a Eco-friendly Ganesha making workshop was held in Navi Mumbai. The Social Cause As the festival of Ganeshotsav...
On September 9, 2023, the Shiv Sena branch in Navi Mumbai will host a workshop in Seawoods to create eco-friendly Ganesha idols. The aim of the...
A Seawoods-based society has received a show-cause notice from the gardens division of the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation for endangering a healthy Ashoka tree by erecting a...
Luxury Cars were damaged After Compound wall of NRI Complex Collapsed in Navi Mumbai. The Wall Collapse The Monsoon recently arrived in Mumbai & its Surrounding...
Shree Bharat Jadhav expresses his opinion on the low level maintenance of Seawoods park in Navi Mumbai. The Pathetic Condition Former Corporator & Member of the...
About 8:46am on Tuesday, three coaches of the Belapur to Khar Kopar local train derailed as it approached Khar Kopar station, which is around 30 km...